'Tis the season for Tea Parties
Dear Oliver, December is an important month in the history of tea in the “New World” as earlyEuropeans dubbed the lands across the Atlantic. These early settlers were relianton European...
Happy Veteran's Day
As the United States prepares to honor its Veterans this November 11, it is interesting to note the role of tea and coffee as traditional staples for troops both stateside...
August Transitions and New Beginnings
I have always enjoyed August. To me it is a month for transitions and new beginnings. I grew up in Maine and every year at the start of this month,...
Bohea Barbecued Brisket Recipe
A dear friend (and great photographer) shared the following recipe for using Colonial Bohea Tea as a dry rub for Brisket. I thought I would share, Hope you enjoy! ~Oliver...
Memorial Day
"If other eyes grow dull and other hands slack, and other hearts cold in the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of...
The Origins of the Tea Brick
Estimated to be formed around 350 A.D., tea bricks have become a part of Chinese and European culture throughout the ages. Before tea bricks where introduced to Europe, tea...
Cocoa and Cacao Shell Tea
19th Century Drinking Chocolate Ceramics, London. Special thanks to: GEORGE C. BIRLANT & CO. (Antiques), Charleston, 843-722-3842, Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved. As far back as 1556, when an unknown European...
The Origins of Earl Grey Tea
Bergamot Orange watercolor illustration (Citrus Bergamia), by L. Osbeck The origin of “who first put leaf to water” is completely unknown to culinary historians. Before the mid-nineteenth century, botanists failed...
Bohea Over Ice
I started a tea business in 2009 with a business plan of becoming the “Ben and Jerry’s of iced tea”. After sampling over 300 broken orange pekoes from India and...
Transcript - South Carolina Gazette, November 1774
Crest of the South Carolina Gazette. Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved. The South Carolina Gazette reported on the dramatic confrontation between the colonists and British sea captain Samuel Ball,...
Charles Town’s 2nd Tea Party, November 3, 1774
Advertisement of return voyage from Charleston to London via the ship Britannia, published November 21, 1774 in the South Carolina Gazette. Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved. The “Bay is...
Revolution in Charleston: 1769 Boycott of Imported British Goods
The South Carolina Gazette advertising British imported goods in a paper dated November 21, 1774. Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved. The revenue acts enacted by the British government on the American...