Tea Health
According to the National Library of Medicine, “the beverage tea has been considered a health- promoting habit since ancient times. The modern medicinal research isproviding a scientific basis for this belief.
Take a deeper dive into the health benefits of Matcha.
Japan Tea
A first hand experience sipping tea in Japan.
Tea sommeliers
there are several organizations that offer tea sommelier certification, including the Specialty Tea Institute (STI) and the Tea Association of the USA (TAUSA).
Victorian Halloween Tea
Learn more about Victorian "death culture" and host your own Halloween party today!
History of teabags
The evolution of modern day tea bags is really steeped in history.
'Tis the season for Tea Parties
Dear Oliver, December is an important month in the history of tea in the “New World” as earlyEuropeans dubbed the lands across the Atlantic. These early settlers were relianton European...
Cocoa and Cacao Shell Tea
Charleston, 843-722-3842, As far back as 1556, when an unknown European noted that drinking chocolate was the “most wholesome and substantial of any food or beverage in the world,...
The Origins of Earl Grey Tea
The origin of “who first put leaf to water” is completely unknown to culinary historians. Before the mid-nineteenth century, botanists failed to decipher tea’s formula; however, many tales...
Charles Town’s 2nd Tea Party, November 3, 1774
The “Bay is a more dangerous Navigation than the open Sea,” wrote the Charles-Town native Henry Laurens on January 21, 1774 in a letter to his son John, of the...
Revolution in Charleston: 1769 Boycott of Imported British Goods
The revenue acts enacted by the British government on the American colonies, namely the Townshend Acts of 1767, did not affect the merchants of Charles-Town equally. Taxes were felt more...
Charles Town’s First Tea Party: December 3, 1773
By the 1770’s, tea trading was a vital industry in colonial America. Parliament’s Townshend Duties tax began to put a strain on the colonists’ use of tea as a...